About Abeer Eltahan

Abeer El Tahhan is a pediatrician and a Quran and Arabic tutor. Abeer is deeply involved in Islamic studies and dawah activities. She is fluent in Arabic and English.

The month of Rajab is the seventh month of the Lunar-based Islamic calendar.  The word Rajab comes from the Arabic word ‘Tarjeeb’ which means glorification.

Hadith Collection And Authentication is a modern-time obsession. How can we be sure that anything is real? What can lead us to certainty and conviction?

What does engagement mean in Islam? Is it a party where the fiancé/fiancée exchanges ring?  Actually no, it is not. Indeed, there are some regulations for engagement in Islam that need to be observed:

Mercy is the spirit of Islam, the Islamic view of and cares for animals specially and nature generally are unique and admirable. What does the Quran say about helping animals? There are many references in the Quran where Allah refers to Animals. In the following phrases, we will show kindness to animals in The Quran: […]

Reading the Qur’an for the first time is a challenge to non-Muslims.  It’s not an easy task. So, here are ten beneficial tips for non-Muslims on how to go about reading and understanding the Qur’an for the first time.   One: The Qur’an is made easy to read, understand and remember by Allah Allah states […]

Почему женщины не могут иметь четыре мужа? Интересный вопрос, не правда ли? Чтобы ответить на него, мы пройдёмся по следующим пунктам