Quran is the last Divine Book that Allah Almighty revealed to Messenger Muhammad, the last Messenger sent by Allah, to guide people to the best in this life and in the hereafter.
Este artigo é dedicado a responder à pergunta: Qual religião surgiu primeiro no mundo? Para responder a essa pergunta, primeiro discutiremos diferentes religiões e crenças, como o paganismo, o cristianismo, o judaísmo e o hinduísmo.
The Black Stone is a blessed stone . It has great spiritual significance for Muslims. This article reveals important facts about it.
In this article, you’ll know The story of Zamzam water ,The benefits of Zamzam water; Source of Zamzam water And much more!
Islamic pilgrimage is to prepare Muslim for unifying his destination towards Tawheed, starting from inner feelings reaching outer behavior.
The Kabba is the core of the pilgrimage to the holy site in Islam “Mecca” which is a core principle in the Faith. The Kaaba, meaning cube in Arabic, is a square building, elegantly draped in a silk and cotton veil.
Which religion came first in the world? To reply to that question, we will first discuss different religions and beliefs such as Paganism, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. Then, we will briefly clarify the concept of Islam and its core. We aim at doing a brief comparative study between Islam and other religions to objectively decide which religion came first in the world and which was the first monotheistic religion.
In this article, we will investigate the question from many angles and leave you with the truth before you.
Muslims believe that Islam has existed since the beginning of time and that it is the natural religion of mankind. In fact, all people are actually born Muslim. Discover how?
Думали ли вы раньше, что нужно, чтобы стать мусульманином? в этом случае этот пост прекрасно предназначен для вас!
Avete mai pensato se sia inizialmente possibile abbracciare l'Islam?
Se tali domande sono gia’ passate nella tua mente, allora questo post è perfetto per te!
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qu'il fallait faire pour devenir musulman ?
Avez-vous déjà pensé s'il était possible ou non d'embrasser l'islam au départ ?