The Story of Abraham in the Qur’an and the Bible Ibrahim (Abraham) is one of the prophets who are conceded in all the books of revelation (the Bible [old testament], the Gospel [new testament], and the Qur’an) He is one of the messengers of inflexible purpose. (As it mentioned in the Quran)   How has […]

Do you know the Pirates of the Caribbean? Did you hear before about Jack Sparrow? I am sure that you definitely know him. He was a famous pirate who had a funny character and a strange look. Sparrow was drunk, always carrying a bottle of wine and he loved women…or was he?! Well…. forget all […]

I was shocked when I knew that some think that the prophet Muhammad is a liar. Dear reader, I’ll consider you as the judge and me as a lawyer talking to your instinct that rejects injustice. I wish you to be neutral, just, check my evidence and put prejudgment and assumption on a far side. […]

Life is tough, and I do excuse people who’re trying to take their breath out of its struggle every once and awhile by getting closer to God, some of us find peace right away, some of us take time to do, some of us don’t, but does it mean that God hates those who can’t […]

What does it mean “Subhan Allah”? When I was in the preparatory stage, I was impressed with the computer and I can’t imagine how it processes this huge amount of information. But when I became in the 1st year in the faculty of medicine and studied the physiology of the human body especially how the […]

I remember that scene in The Butterfly Effect movie, when the little girl used to run away to the field escaping her pedophile dad, and she kept praying, but nothing happened? We all had similar moments when we’re in urgent need of answering our prayers, and you keep asking yourself: am I doing it wrong?! […]

The birth of Jesus was more than the account of one more human being born into this world, but its significance was felt around the world and continues to affect the lives of people everywhere till the end of time. The birth of Jesus was God’s sign to people and a mercy to mankind. Interestingly, Jesus […]

Have you ever stopped at an advertisement about a great vacation to Himalaya or Ohio where you can find stunning views, waterfalls, mountains, wonderful resorts, delicious foods and amazing drinks and beauty and peace all around. A place where you feel totally relaxed and where you want to stay forever. But sometimes I wonder if this […]

Do you know to what extent the opening chapter of Quran (i.e the last divine message) is important? Do know that The opening chapter in Quran has special place in muslims’ hearts? Do you know that Muslims recite the opening chapter in each unit of Islamic prayer? You know that every book has introduction, Quran […]

Really, Allah (The Creator of Heavens and Earth) is the most merciful. Beginning with the universe subjected for us and passing by events of life and even the orders He gives and prohibitions He imposes. For the first moment you may feel it’s a sort of obligation or restriction, but with few thinking or mediation […]

We usually hear this advice: look for people who see the best in you, right?! Ever had that relation with someone who never expected any good from your side no matter what you do?! Well, I did. It’s more than frustrating. It might look simple, but when you live it on a daily basis, it’s […]

And mention, [O Muhammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place toward the east. (16) And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel, and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man. (17) She said, “Indeed, I […]

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