Life in this world is of trials and tests, and is a bridge to the Hereafter. Even the lives of the Prophets, were never free of troubles. The Islamic system aims at creating a balance in a Muslim’s life, by harmonizing all the circles of relationships between the individual and his inner and outer environments. […]

“What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe? And ever is Allah Appreciative and Knowing.” [] The verse above gives us a great meaning about many principles in our life and belief such as: Who needs the worship of Allah (The One God, Creator of heavens and earth) Allah or […]

Mohammed A. Siddiqi, a professor at Western Illinois University, said: The coverage of Islam in major US newspapers contains most upsetting mistakes occur with the indiscriminate use of “fundamentalist” for any dedicated Muslim and the failure to distinguish between cultural practices that are national or regional in origin and not observed by Muslims in other […]

Why did the existence of the universe mystify people and scientists? Why did they spend thousands of years searching about the origin of the universe? What is the secret of our existence? Why are we in this life? How is everything in this universe made in this accuracy? It seems that since old era up […]

Islam isn’t only a belief in the true and the only God, but also deeds according this belief. It is the practical religion, the way for life. Islam fulfills all aspects of personal life. And I will share some views of the Islamic society with you here. Where Many verses in the Qur’an mentions the […]

Who is the person under a Hijab? (or a niqab or burka- some of the traditional Muslim women’s clothes). Who is really the woman underneath that piece of clothing? Often times their attire may prevent others from seeing beyond who these women may really be. Many of these women are scientists, engineers, doctors, Olympians, warm […]

Do Christians and Muslims have the same God? Is the name Allah as for the common suggestion by Christians in the West simply is the Arabic meaning of “Satan”? Thousands of years before prophet Muhammad was born, Arab Christians and Jews were already referring to God as Allah, and millions continue to do so today.  Allah […]

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