Hajj is a pilgrimage that symbolizes ultimate obedience and servitude to God. We will explore the major questions related to hajj. Let's begin
Umrah is a form of worship in Islam that has several benefits. In this article, we will list six different benefits of Umrah.
Eid-ul-Adha is known, but before it is Arafat Day. Learn more about that blessed day to maximize its benefits.
Women traveling alone is debated. Some scholars ban it based on hadith, even for hajj. They think there is no exception.
Ihram is the first step to perform the fifth pillar of Islam, entering a state of devotion where all people are equal before Allah.
The three types of Hajj are Qiran, Ifrad, and Tamattu'. Prophet Muhammad performed Tamattu', which is considered the best.
Ihram is the very first part necessary to lawfully perform the fifth pillar of Islam; Minor and Major pilgrimage; both Umrah and Hajj
Eid is a beautiful and lovely day to pray, care, love, smile and celebrate with one another and to thank Allah for giving us this wonderful day.
Islamic pilgrimage is to prepare Muslim for unifying his destination towards Tawheed, starting from inner feelings reaching outer behavior.
Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve lunar months in the register of Allah from the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred.