There is no guaranteed salvation in Christianity! Let's explore one simple consequence of the Christian creed and see where it leads.

Who is behind this universe? How did this universe come into existence? Who brought us here and why? What is the purpose of our existence here? What will happen after our time and life here come to end?

I used to think of death as an illusion. Maybe I used to believe theoretically in it, but my reality was different. That continued till one day I suddenly felt that I was going to die then. My body was trembling and I couldn't see or stand straight, I was alone and I wasn't able even to cry for help from anyone near. At that time, I was very afraid. I started to think about my past deeds and what is going to happen to me, but I couldn't remember any sincere deed I did that may support me. At that time, my soul cried out; yes, I admit now that I was wrong. O my creator! Shall You give me another chance to correct my path? After that I somehow started to feel better gradually.

I’m totally in love with science; it makes me understand everything around us. I’m a medical school student. I’m fascinated by how the human body works; different organs and different mechanisms, how the cells work, how the muscles move and how the signals go to and from the brain cells, how the brain controls everything, […]

Have you suffered from injustice before, and you can’t stop it just because you don’t know a high-positioned person? Are you a victim of any kind of racism? If so, what do you feel? What is your urgent wish? Magnificent power could be? World Today Unfortunately, it is common today to find millions of people […]

In the first part of this article, we stopped at the question: Did Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)) tell the people to take him as a deity? Now, let’s try together to discover the answer. “I am the way”, then Jesus is God? Muslims believe that Jesus (PBUH) never said to his followers that […]

In the first article in our series, we talked about the creation and the miraculous birth of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)). This led us to another question that needs to be answered as well. Based on what we mentioned in the previous article, is Jesus (PBUH) a god? In this two-part article, we […]

As-Samad as the One who can satisfy each need in a way He knows that is best, while He is without any need. Moreover, He is the One upon whom all of the creation depend, while He depends on no one.

Like most people, I used to be worried about my future. What shall happen to me? What will happen if I lose the dearest people in my life? How shall I continue? I am still young. I have little experience in this life, and I cannot dive in this unknown journey alone. Sometimes I tried […]