What does it mean “Subhan Allah”? When I was in the preparatory stage, I was impressed with the computer and I can’t imagine how it processes this huge amount of information. But when I became in the 1st year in the faculty of medicine and studied the physiology of the human body especially how the […]

The birth of Jesus was more than the account of one more human being born into this world, but its significance was felt around the world and continues to affect the lives of people everywhere till the end of time. The birth of Jesus was God’s sign to people and a mercy to mankind. Interestingly, Jesus […]

Have you ever stopped at an advertisement about a great vacation to Himalaya or Ohio where you can find stunning views, waterfalls, mountains, wonderful resorts, delicious foods and amazing drinks and beauty and peace all around. A place where you feel totally relaxed and where you want to stay forever. But sometimes I wonder if this […]

We usually hear this advice: look for people who see the best in you, right?! Ever had that relation with someone who never expected any good from your side no matter what you do?! Well, I did. It’s more than frustrating. It might look simple, but when you live it on a daily basis, it’s […]

And mention, [O Muhammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place toward the east. (16) And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel, and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man. (17) She said, “Indeed, I […]

Is Jesus really a god? Is he the son of God? Many questions bounced up into my mind urging me to read, search, and investigate! So I opened the Gospel and tried to search for answers in the most popular, widely used and spread St. Matthew [Matthew] Gospel. Who is Jesus’ father?! The first issue […]

Allah (The Creator of heavens and earth), as well as His Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him-, confirmed that “Jesus” (PBUH) is human, servant and messenger of Allah, that he was physically raised alive in some form to heaven both his body and soul, and he will physically be brought back from heaven to earth […]

To worship God and ask for His help means you are a servant of God (Allah). But do you imagine that there may be a god who needs help from or worships another?!! God is Mighty and Exalted, He doesn’t need to His creatures. What does prostrate mean? Do you not see that to Allah […]