As long as our lives are going on in our favor, we have no worries, but the minute life starts to pinch us, we start to question God. But why me? What have I done to deserve this hardship? I am not that bad anyway. We go on thinking of others and say to ourselves: […]

The Meaning of Life in the West: Dale Carnegie, a writer and lecturer, who wrote the best 9 books among them is: “How to stop worrying and start living”, in which he settled down rules to get rid of worries and tools to communicate with people effectively, has killed himself after he suffered from depression! […]

Some people accuse Prophet Muhammad to be a pedophile, and others defend that strongly. The purpose of this piece of writing is to let you reach the answer yourself, so in order to do that you have to ask yourself some questions: Pedophilia Sex or sexual activity with children who have not reached puberty. Mentioned […]

Before Islam, the Arabian community used to drink alcohol aggressively. They were true addicts to it. To them, it was like tea; that’s how often they drank it. And it was from Allah’s (the Creator of Heaven and Earth) wisdom to deal with such an issue gradually. Otherwise, they would have abandoned the whole religion. […]

В качестве мусульманина, я никогда не видел никакой женщины, о которой так часто и многократно говорил Коран, как Мария.

Walking around in Muslims’ streets, you can see and smell blood everywhere in their first, second, third and fourth  days of Eid (Feast).  But what is the purpose behind this? What’s the aim of shedding this amount of blood? Is it just for the pleasure of torturing animals, or is there any other reason behind […]