Ishmael was important in Islam's history, but Muhammad (PBUH), his descendant, founded Islam and received the Quran.
You have probably heard of the Holy Book called the Quran. Is it really divine sourced? Who is the real author of the Quran?
Islam is not a violent religion. Let's explore the philosophy of moderating power in Islam. The article underscores Islam’s true stance on violence, which is based on justice, defense, and ethical conduct.
I wondered about the differences between the Bible and the Quran, so I found 8 main differences. Let's explore them.
Discover why Islam is the only religion in the world that is spreading at a faster rate than the rate of growth of the world’s population, expected to become the world’s most widespread religion by 2070!
Explore the significant effect of Abu Bakr (RA), the first caliph of Islam, on the spread of Islam after the Prophet Muhammad's death. His leadership during the Ridda Wars helped unify the Muslim community, while his military campaigns initiated the spread of Islam into new territories. Also, his efforts to compile the Qur'an preserved its teachings, laying the groundwork for Islam to evolve into a global religion.
Discover more about the spread of Islam with a timeline. It's a multifaceted process, including some main contributing factors such as Da’wah (the call to Islam), trade, migration, education, and the unique nature and teachings of the Islamic religion.
Did Islam Originate in Jerusalem? Explore the truth about Islam's origins with 7 key facts that debunk myths surrounding its connection to Jerusalem. Discover evidence-based insights into Islamic history.
Is Islam a religion of peace? Uncover the truth about Islam’s teachings on peace, compassion, and coexistence, addressing common misconceptions with evidence and clarity.
Discover the truth behind the question, Was Islam Spread by Sword? Explore the real reasons for Islam’s rapid growth, its innate appeal, and the role of Islamic conquests in spreading peace and truth.
Discover the key factors behind the spread of Islam from 750 to 1700, including trade networks, powerful empires, and the lasting impact of Islamic culture and scholarship.
Learn how the spread of Islam through trade connected diverse regions, sharing Islamic teachings, ethical business practices, and fostering cultural exchanges.