Ar-Rahman [The Entirely Merciful] Imagine that one day you met a person you know. He gave you an autobiography of a manager of a famous company to read. Once you began to read his traits and description, you got astonished! How wonderful that manager is! So you asked this person to accompany you to this […]

Aljawwad (The Most Generous) is one of  the names of The Creator mentioned in The Holy Quran and  the authentic prophetic sayings of prophet Muhammad. It means literally the one who gives a lot and among muslim scholars, it means to give  someone what he needs without waiting for any repayment or reward. Prophet Muhammad […]

Allah When one says Allah, he is actually addressing God by his glorious name. In fact, all Arabian Jews, Christians as well as Muslims use ‘Allah” in referral to The All Mighty the One and only God.   Let there be no doubt that the three Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are “monotheistic” […]

who is the real and true God. We will clarify the attributes of a true God and mention the most popular worshipped Gods in the world. The article will review the attributes of these Gods objectively as believed by their original followers. It will also answer the most commonly asked critical questions regarding this topic.

Marriage in Islam organizes your Muslim husband’s lifestyle. Here, we will help you to understand how life can be with him under one roof.

Do Christians and Muslims have the same God? Is the name Allah as for the common suggestion by Christians in the West simply is the Arabic meaning of “Satan”? Thousands of years before prophet Muhammad was born, Arab Christians and Jews were already referring to God as Allah, and millions continue to do so today.  Allah […]

В этой статье мы обсудим, кто является настоящим Богом. Мы уточним атрибуты истинного Бога и упомянем самых популярных богов, которым поклоняются в мире. В статье будут объективно рассмотрены атрибуты этих Богов, во что верили их первоначальные последователи. В нем также будут даны ответы на наиболее часто задаваемые критические вопросы, касающиеся этой темы.