Is Jesus really a god? Is he the son of God? Many questions bounced up into my mind urging me to read, search, and investigate! So I opened the Gospel and tried to search for answers in the most popular, widely used and spread St. Matthew [Matthew] Gospel. Who is Jesus’ father?! The first issue […]

Allah (The Creator of heavens and earth), as well as His Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him-, confirmed that “Jesus” (PBUH) is human, servant and messenger of Allah, that he was physically raised alive in some form to heaven both his body and soul, and he will physically be brought back from heaven to earth […]

Our existence doesn’t revolve around sin, in general, or an original sin, in specific. To the Creator Allah Almighty, we –mankind- are honored. He says: And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much […]