It is irrelevant whether animals are gay or not. Asking “are animals gay?” makes people jump to conclusions and forget to check. Lets see!
Learn the story of prophet Ismail in Islam in brief. We answer some of the most common questions related to his childhood and family tree. Besides with the most important lessons behind.
Here is love in Islam. Love at first sight in Islam first happens after Allah created Adam, and then created Eve from him after Adam's loneliness.
"Your God is not deaf or absent" is one of the major concepts in Islam. It reflects Allah's presence and blessing in our life.
Kurz gesagt, die Wahrheit ist eine und sie ist klar und einfach. Wir haben die Wahl, ob wir ihm folgen wollen oder nicht.
L'Islam était le message de tous les prophètes, à partir d'Adam, à Noé, Abraham, Moïse, Jésus et le dernier prophète et messager Muhammed.
El Islam fue el mensaje de todos los Profetas, desde Adán hasta Noé, Ibraham, Moisés, Jesús y el último profeta y mensajero Muhammad. La paz y las bendiciones de Al-lah sean con todos los profetas.
Islam é a mensagem trazida por todos os profetas, incluindo Adão, Noé, Abraão, Moisés, Jesus, e, também, Mohammed, que, mais uma vez, foi o profeta e mensageiro final—que a paz e as bençãos de Allah estejam sobre todos eles!
Contemplation: 54-59 Surat Al-Kahf; shaking lesson to all of us. let’s review them and see great insights we can get from Allah’s words.
Мусульмане верят, что Ислам существовал всегда с самого начала всего времени, и что он – истинная религия всего человечества, к которой все люди в мире призваны с рождения. Согласно этому, все люди рождаются мусульманами.
Between the one who denies God and the one who submits to Him and live by His will, there are a lot to talk about.
Is there a life after delivery? Search objectively and choose wisely my friend because you will be responsible for it. And always ask your Creator's aid to do the right thing.