The Kabba is the core of the pilgrimage to the holy site in Islam “Mecca” which is a core principle in the Faith. The Kaaba, meaning cube in Arabic, is a square building, elegantly draped in a silk and cotton veil.
Eid ul Fitr is the day after Ramadan in which Muslims celebrate the completion of Ramadan and the great worships in it.
Will Allah forgive Me?! As humans, we are ordered not to commit sins, but sometimes we slip and fall. What to do To seek Allah's Forgiveness.
The month of Shaban in 2023 happens to start on the 21st of February and will end on 22nd of March. Muslims all over the world will observe the month and honor its days and nights.
Learn All about Umrah and how to perform Umrah in Islam. Umrah contains certain acts of obedience to Allah’s forgiveness. Learn More!
Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve lunar months in the register of Allah from the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred.
Have you ever experienced to love or be loved, or have you felt damaged out of love? You’re not alone, and here is the solution! Your way to paradise.
The month of Rajab is the seventh month of the Lunar-based Islamic calendar. The word Rajab comes from the Arabic word ‘Tarjeeb’ which means glorification.
Here is love in Islam. Love at first sight in Islam first happens after Allah created Adam, and then created Eve from him after Adam's loneliness.
The world was so eager to light. Light was approaching and coming from the darkest area on earth at that time, light came from Arabian peninsula.
There are many reasons attracting people to revert to Islam, and worship Allah increasingly. Fortunately, here are 10 of the most attractive ones!
Have you ever performed cupping therapy (Hijama)? Do you know the origins of this practice and the medical benefits of it?