Throughout history,Religion has been abused and misunderstood.      Some people exploited it as a pretext for persecution. Others use it for domination over the masses.In the name of religion unjustifiable wars have been launched, Freedom has been suppressed and Science has been persecuted.Could this be the purpose of religion?Is that the right approach to religion?The […]

In today’s society, many sons and daughters are influenced by secular cultures, which focus on children’s freedom. This freedom blindly encourages children to distance themselves from their parents and mistreat them, those parents who spent their lives building their children’s characters.The children may mistreat their parents in the form of:Raising voices at them, holding grudges […]

The Conflict Between Muslims and Christians: It has lately been widespread that Muslims are ordered to kill Christians, or better say ALL NON-MUSLIMS. And that Islam is not tolerating about this point, and that Muslims are seriously going to kill any Christian they meet! So what shall the Christians do? The answer is simple, they […]

The Arabic word “Shari’ah” literally means “a path, a way or a fresh water hole that all livings can drink from”. In Islamic-terminology, it refers to the legal system of Islam that regulates the relationship between man and his God (Allah in Arabic language), himself, his fellow man, all creations and the world around him. […]

This figure shows a twelfth-century model of the solar system from Baghdad The one who contemplates the reason modern science and technology have taken giant steps and advanced to the present state would certainly agree that it is due to Islamic civilization which transmitted and introduced vast amounts of knowledge and produced many scholars. C.H. […]

Women’s rights: after a long history of injustice (you can watch the video below), the divine revelation echoed in the wide desert of Arabia with a noble and universal message which came to change the ugly human history and to create a life which humanity had never witnessed before in all its civilizations: Women Rights […]

The Message of Jesus (PBUH), let’s know it together! ^_^ “Mum, what is the meaning of the word “Christian”?  G was 15 years old when he asked this question; he knew the answer of course, but he wanted to check something.His mother smiled and said, “Are you serious?” G replied, “100% serious.”The mother answered “Ok. […]

The weak and failures should perish! “The weak and failures should perish: first principle of our love of humanity. And they should be helped to do this!” Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher. For centuries, this was one of the western ideologies. On the other hand, the philosophy of Islam and its law took another turn […]

You have probably heard of the Holy Book called the Quran. Is it really divine sourced? Who is the real author of the Quran?

Beautiful Quran verses about love, marriage, and relationship in the Quran. This will lead a happy life of tranquility and compassion.

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