Dawah in Islam was never easy. We usually see people coming to us saying: “Quit coming to other people’s countries and trying to turn them into a Muslim **** man up and take your own countries back…” that was one of the comments we usually get when trying to teach people about Islam, and yes […]

Marriage in Islam organizes your Muslim husband’s lifestyle. Here, we will help you to understand how life can be with him under one roof.

Mercy is the spirit of Islam, the Islamic view of and cares for animals specially and nature generally are unique and admirable. What does the Quran say about helping animals? There are many references in the Quran where Allah refers to Animals. In the following phrases, we will show kindness to animals in The Quran: […]

by Shannon Abulnasr  Do you believe in Islam, but you hesitate to take the next step to become a Muslim?  Many people fit this scenario, but they hesitate for various reasons.  Satan is an enemy to mankind, and he has promised that he will bring corruption to the land and cause people to turn away […]

Reading the Qur’an for the first time is a challenge to non-Muslims.  It’s not an easy task. So, here are ten beneficial tips for non-Muslims on how to go about reading and understanding the Qur’an for the first time.   One: The Qur’an is made easy to read, understand and remember by Allah Allah states […]

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