The Quran emphasizes women's honor, with a chapter dedicated to them. This article explores key verses about women.
Do you know what is “Hijra?” It means to leave a place to another one. When Muslims and Prophet Muhammad migrated from “Makkah” to “Madinah”
It is irrelevant whether animals are gay or not. Asking “are animals gay?” makes people jump to conclusions and forget to check. Lets see!
Reading the Qur’an for the first time is a challenge to non-Muslims. It’s not an easy task. So, here are ten beneficial tips for non-Muslims on how to go about reading and understanding the Qur’an for the first time. One: The Qur’an is made easy to read, understand and remember by Allah Allah states […]
Jerusalem, Elia or Al-Quds all are the names of a blessed and holy city. It’s the city of most Prophets: Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon, Zechariah, John and Jesus. Furthermore, it is the ascension place of Prophet Muhammad from the earth to the heavens at the night of Isra and Miraj, where […]
Travel into the past is probably impossible. However, is it possible to be back to the future?
Allah looked towards the people of the world and He disliked them, both, Arabs and the non-Arabs except for some remnants of the People of the Book.
A widespread concept perceived by the western society is being promoted nowadays against Islam in regard of women’s rights. Such culture claims that Islam oppresses women and that they are being underestimated in comparison with men. Having this vain idea precedent in mind does not allow people to know the truth except for whoever actually […]
5 or 6 years ago, I wrote an article in some of the faculty newsletters. It was about how to overcome being worried all the time. I wrote this catchy line that I’ll never forget “… As long as it’s away from prison, death and disease; why should I worry …” The main concept for […]