The Concept of God in Islam

What is the Concept of God in Islam?

Every religion centers on the worship of a supreme being, and Muslims believe in Allah, the one true

The foundation stone of any religion is the exalted entity that the believers of that religion shall worship and glorify “God”. That God should be more supreme than any creature in that universe so as to be worthy of worship. That’s why Muslims undoubtedly believe that “Allah” is the only true God worthy of their worship. 

Concept of God in Islam and Christianity 

 Islam and Christianity are, supposedly, monotheistic Abrahamic religions; they state that there’s only one God who created the heavens, the earth, and all the creatures. He is Sovereign over everything. Indeed, this basic concept has always resonated with people’s natural understanding of God. 

Although the original message of Christianity was a true message sent by God, the Bible is eventually distorted and corrupted. That is clearly seen in the core belief of Christianity now “Trinity”; it says that there is One God who has three manifestations (forms), the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who are all Gods.  

On the other hand, The Islamic understanding of God is based on a pure and clear understanding of monotheism “oneness and unity of God”. The core belief of Islam is that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah; it is a simple concept in which worship is directed to one entity “Allah”.  

Concept of Allah in Islam  

Islam is mainly based on the concept of Tawhid, or Unity of God. Thus, the concept of Allah in Islam revolves around believing in One singular God “Allah”. He is the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe. He is similar to none and nothing is comparable to Him. Therefore, none is worthy of our worship and surrender but Allah. 

The Almighty God “Allah” sums up this Islamic concept in The Noble Qur’an saying:  

“Say, ‘He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begets not, and neither is He begotten; And there is nothing that can be compared to Him.”

(Quran 112:1-4) 

Who is the God of Islam?

The God of Islam “Allah” is not a new, strange, or exclusive God. He is the creator of the worlds and all the creatures therein. He has created everything in the worlds in accordance with a definite plan and for a particular purpose.  

Allah created humankind for a certain reason – to worship Him only … and none but Him. Also, Allah Almighty sent His Messengers to convey His message by guiding mankind to His path. 

Who is Allah?

‘Allah’ is simply the Arabic name for God which affirms that He is One singular God that has no partners or equals. Muslims often refer to God as “Allah”, for it is the comprehensive name that indicates all of His attributes, and it is a name that has not been given to anyone other than Him.  

What is Muslims’ God name?

“Allah” is the proper and personal name of the One True God in the Arabic language, which is the language of the Holy Qur’an. It is used by Muslims all over the world; Nothing else can be called Allah. The term “Allah” is used only by the believers of monothetic religions. 

Who is Muslims’ God Allah?

The word ‘Allah’ means the one and only true God of Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Moses, Aaron, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon them all). Allah is the superior power that created, controls and manages the universe. 

 Indeed, Allah is not God of one clan, or one group of people, or one province, or one time-period. He is rather “Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your first forefathers”



The word “Allah” is considered the Arabic term for “God”.  

 The word “Allah” is a conjunction of two Arabic words:  “Al” which means “The” and “Ilah” which means “God” (i.e. Al-Ilah). This is indeed a confirmation of Allah’s oneness and uniqueness. 

Muslims use the term “Allah” in favor of “God” as:  

“Allah” is the personal name of God as used in the scripture (The Noble Qur’an).  

“Allah” is not limited to a specific gender. God can be male/female i.e., God/Goddess. 

“Allah” is ONE as the word literally means The God. However, the word god can be pluralized  

i.e. God/Gods and Goddess/Goddesses 

How does Islam describe the oneness of God? 

The religion of Islam is mainly based on the concept of Monotheism which is the oneness and unity of God. Muslims believe in only one True God “Allah”. He is one in His Self, attributes, and actions. He has no associate, wife, or son. 

Muslims completely disbelieve in Trinity as it claims that Allah is one with three forms or manifestations who are all Gods! 

In the Islamic doctrine, Monotheism “Oneness of God” has three components: 

1. Lordship: 

Allah is the only Lord, Creator, and Sustainer of that universe.

The Qur’an mentions:

“He is the˺ Lord of the heavens, and the earth, and everything in between. So, worship Him ˹alone˺ and be steadfast in His worship. Do you know of anyone equal to Him.”


 2. No one is worthy of worship but Allah

No one is worthy of worship and prayer except Allah.

“Verily! I am Allah! (none has the right to be worshiped but I), so worship Me and perform Prayer for My Remembrance”

(Qur’an 20:14) 

3. Attributes and Names: 

Allah is unique in His 99 Names and in His Attributes that should not be compared to the names and attributes of His creatures. In The Holy Qur’an, Allah says about Himself,

“The highest description is for Allah. And He is the Almighty and all-Wise”


What are the attributes of Allah in Islam? 

Monotheism of Allah’s Names and Attributes is part and parcel of the Islamic doctrine. Thus, Muslims must be aware of them and single Allah out by the names and attributes with which He described Himself in The Holy Qur’an and in the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

There are attributes ascribed to Allah’s self like: 

Existence, Oneness, Eternity, Everlastingness, Non-neediness of others, Power, Will, Knowledge, Non-resemblance to His creations, Life,

Majesty, Highness, Sight, Hearing, Having face and hands, and so on. These attributes are inseparable from His Essence.

There are attributes ascribed to Allah’s Actions like: 

Ascending to the throne, Descending to the lowest heaven, Anger, Mercy, Joy, and Laughter. They are called (optional attributes) cause they happen when Allah wills.

Some attributes ascribed to both Allah’s Self and Actions like: 

Speech for this attribute is inseparable from Allah’s self (He is always able to speak), but it is actional and optional at the same time as Allah speaks when He wants.

God’s Omniscience 

Allah is Omniscient which means He is the All-Knowing. In effect, Allah the Almighty has foreknowledge of what happened, what is happening, and what will happen. Unlike His creatures, Allah’s knowledge is eternal, unlimited, and absolute.  

Even the knowledge of Allah’s angels is limited; The Holy Qur’an mentions that when Allah asked them about something,

“They said, “Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the All-knowing, the Wise.” 


How does Islam reconcile the concept of free will with God’s omniscience? 

According to the Islamic doctrine, Allah has given man the free will to say, do, and choose whatever he wants. However, God ‘The Omniscient” has foreknowledge of his destiny, and He controls the outcome of his actions. Therefore, Allah will hold man accountable for only his deeds, not their results.  

Although non-Muslims may misunderstand the concept of Allah’s Omniscience and feel uncomfortable about it, Muslims feel reassured knowing that their God is Omniscient; They trust His will and fear no one but Him.  

For instance, if a psychologist puts a man under observation and exposes him to certain influences in a specific environment, he can easily predict this man’s reactions without interfering. Thus, there is no doubt that knowing everything happening in this universe is not a big deal for Its creator. 

What is the Islamic understanding of God’s omnipotence? 

Muslims undoubtedly believe that their God “Allah” is omnipotent; “omni” means “All”, and “Potent” means “powerful”. Allah’s power is supreme and conquerable. He does whatever He wants whenever He wants.  

The Holy Qur’an mentions that in several verses. For example:

“His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death, and He has power over everything”


Therefore, Muslims always pray and supplicate to Allah when they feel helpless, for they know well He is the only One that can help them when stranded; He can change anything in a way that defies all human reasoning. 

Allah’s omnipotence is also a reminder to every tyrant and arrogant person that there is a God who is stronger than you and will hold you accountable one day.   

 What is the concept of sin in Islam?

Sin is defined as an act of disobedience that goes against the commands of Allah or contradicts the laws laid down by the religion “Islam”, either by doing something forbidden or by leaving something required.  

 In Islam, man is not born in sin, rather he becomes sinful when he deliberately commits a sin. He deserves Allah’s punishment only when he commits a sin and does not repent. 

Man Accountability is an effect of Allah’s Justice 

Allah, the Almighty, is Just, and He knows the intention of each person. Therefore, man is considered sinful only when he violates a commandment of God or the right of a fellow being willingly and consciously. Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him said “Allah has forgiven my nation for mistakes and forgetfulness, and what they are forced to do.” 

Repentance and Forgiveness of Allah

Allah the Almighty is the All-Forgiving. He is always ready to forgive any repentant who feels remorse and intends sincerely never to repeat the sin. Muslims should never stop repenting even if they repeat the sin “Say: 

Oh, my servants who have transgressed against their own souls! Do not despair of Allah’s mercy. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins, for Truly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”

(Quran 39:53) 

How does Islam explain the problem of evil in the world? 

There is a wide- scale argument about how for the All-Powerful God “Allah” to leave His universe full of evil and corruption. Indeed, Islam dealt with this problem from several angles:  

Firstly, seeing evil doers and tyrants among us is clear evidence of the free will that Allah granted for humans. He holds them accountable for what they do whether good or bad. 

Secondly, Muslims believe that this life is temporary, and it is a test for people; the result will be in the hereafter. The prophets used to tell their people

“My people, the life of this world is ephemeral, whereas the Hereafter, that is the permanent abode”

(Qur’an 40:39).   

Muslims even see that any plague they face in this life is a blessing in disguise, as they will get rewarded for any harm or evil they got exposed to.  Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said that every calamity that befalls a believer, including the prick of the thorn, will remove their sins. 

Thirdly, Allah is All-Wise and All-Knowing. His divine wisdom is beyond our mental capacity, so when should never compare it to ours. Allah says

“… But it may be that you hate something while it is good for you, and it may be that you love something while it is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know.”

(Qur’an 2:216) 

What is the role of God in a Muslim’s life? 

Muslims believe that Allah is the Creator who granted them life in order to worship Him and follow His guidance. The Holy Qur’an is Allah’s message that contains the principles and values that Muslims should follow to succeed in this world and the hereafter. Some of these values are honesty, loyalty, justuce, chastity, modesty, kindness, patience, charity,mercy, and equality. 

Allah is The Sustainer. He provides his creatures with water, air, food, shelter, money, health, etc. Allah’s treasures in the Heavens and the earth are unlimited and never gets finished.

In The Holy Qur’an, Allah says ” …And to Allah belongs the depositories of the heavens and the earth…”.


The bounties he bestowed upon His servants are countless. 

Moreover, Allah’s role in Muslims’ spiritual life is significant. Being connected to Allah throughout the day by remembrance (Dhikr), prayer, supplication, and reading Qur’an can illuminate Muslims’ souls and wipe out their sorrows. Being in a good state with Allah puts the Muslim in a state of tranquility and peace that helps him face the hardships of life.  

How is the love of God expressed in Islam? 

Non-Muslims may allege that the concept of God in Islam lacks the element of Love. They may think that Allah is the All-powerful who wants His servants just to surrender to Him. Indeed, this allegation is far from the truth. Allah’s mercy, kindness, and love to His servants is no doubt. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that: “God is more loving and kinder than a mother to her dear child.”  

 We can say that there are two kinds or levels of Love to mankind. The first level of love (mercy and forgiveness) includes all Allah’s creation: the believer, the unbeliever, the righteous, and the corrupt. Even the disbelievers and sinners are not deprived from Allah’s mercy and bounties from health, family, wealth, sustenance, etc., although he could have easily done that. 

The second level of Allah is the affectionate great love that Allah assigns to His faithful and righteous servants; which is logical and fair.

Allah says: “Shall We treat Muslims (those who have submitted to Our command) like those who have acted as criminals)

(Quran 68:35).

Can a teacher give the full mark to all his students whether they answered the test correctly or not!?. 

What is the Islamic view on the relationship between God and the universe? 

Being the Creator and Preserver of that universe, Allah governs it by fixed laws that ensure the harmonious working of all things. Everything within the universe, including inanimate objects, praises God and submits to Him, except for humans who have the free will to do so. 

 In The Holy Qur’an, Allah says” The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in them exalt Him. And there is not a thing except that it exalts [ Allah] by His praise, but you do not understand their [way of] exalting.”


Moreover, All the natural phenomena like sunrise, fogs, rains, etc., and all the natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. submit to Allah’s order.

Allah says “And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed, in that are signs for people who give thought.”  

(Qur’an 13:3)

The View of God in Islam 

Unlike Christianity, the doctrine of Islam totally rejects the incarnation of God. Muslims believe that Allah has no physical body or gender like his creation; He is unique and singular in His essence, attributes, qualities, and acts. In that Holy Qur’an, Surah Al Shura, Allah says” there is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things).” 

Therefore, Muslims never have pictures for God or even His Messengers, for They are too noble and sublime to be drawn or pictured.  

Some differences between Islam and Christianity 

There are some very striking differences between Islam and Christianity in several aspects; the most important of which are: 

1. The concept of God. 

Christians believe in Trinity; they see that God is one, but He has three manifestations: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This makes the supposed to be monothetic religion (Christianity) no longer a monothetic one! On the contrary, Muslims are strictly monothetic. They believe in the oneness and unity of God. 

2. The position of Jesus.

Christians believe that he is the son of God, and that he is also a god (in human form) being part of the Trinity. Muslims believe that Jesus the Christ is a messenger and a highly revered prophet of Allah sent to mankind to call them to worship the one and only god (Allah). 

In fact, those who claim that Jesus said he is a God are lying and slandering him. Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an “And when Allah said:

‘( Prophet) Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to the people: “Take me and my mother for two gods, other than Allah?” ‘Exaltations to You, ‘ he said, ‘how could I say that to which I have no right? If I had said that, You would have surely known. You know what is in myself, but I do not know what is in Yours. Indeed, You are the Knowledgeable of the unseen.”


3. The position of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 

Christianity acknowledges that Prophet Muhammad existed but does not endow him with Prophethood. Muslims, on the other hand, believe that Prophet Muhammad is a mercy from God to humankind and that He is the seal of Messengers. Believing in Prophet Muhammad is a pillar of Islam. 

4. The concept of salvation:

 In Christianity, God sacrificed His Son (Jesus) to save mankind and promises salvation by grace to those who believe. In Islam, this concept is not commonly used. Allah sacrificed nothing. The Good deeds of man are what saves him in the hereafter.  

5. The concept of original sin:

 Christians believe that man is born with an inherited original sin of Adam. Muslims believe that man is born pure and innocent and that Allah is Just, so no one bears the burden of someone else’s sin. 

6. Personification of God.

 In Christianity, God is personal. Christians use images and pictures for Jesus Christ (whom they consider God) and his mother Mary. In Islam, Allah is unlimited and infinite: Images of God and even His prophets are not permitted. Nothing is like Allah and Muslim never resembles His self or His attributes to any creation. 

7. The Holy Scripture. 

The Bible is the Christians’ Holy book that Allah revealed to Jesus. It was altered and corrupted by men throughout the ages. Christians already believe that the Bible was inspired by God and written by a number of different authors! They have several versions.  

On the other side, Muslims follow The Noble Qur’an that Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad as the last message to Mankind.

Allah says about Qur’an “Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)”

(Qur’an 15:9) 

8. Confession of sins: 

part of the Christians confesses their sins to a priest as a mediator between them and God and the other part confesses straight to God. Sometimes it depends on the severity of the sin. They believe that God always forgives sins in Jesus. As for Muslims, they repent and seek Allah’s forgiveness straight from Him with no intermediary. 


Dear reader, please do not be affected by the misleading negative image about the Islamic beliefs. Research and investigate carefully yourself, and know that whoever has sincere determination will inevitably find the way and reach the destination. If you have any further questions or need more clarification, never hesitate to seek help from a Muslim scholar. Also, message us here for more understanding for the concept of God in Islam!

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