For more than fourteen centuries scholars from Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been discussing whether or not the prophet Muhammad -Peace & Mercy be Upon Him- could have indeed been a true prophet from Almighty God.     Was he the long awaited ‘Messiah’ the Jews have been waiting for so many centuries?     Was he […]

To understand the essence of Islam is to understand the true essence of humanity. More than a religion, Islam is a complete and comprehensive way of life leading to a balanced way of living. Islam brings civilization and happiness to man. Islamic principles and teachings can provide realistic, fair and objective solutions to the prevention […]

The FIRST Islamic bank in Russia! -According to Tatarstan Finance Minister Artem Zdunov, the lack of foreign borrowing has made Russia look for other sources of financing, including Muslim countries. He added that the Islamic finance industry is one of the fastest growing in the world with 15-20 percent annual growth in assets. Read more: […]

What is Taqiyyah? Linguistically: it is to protect. Technically: it is presenting outwardly something that is different from what one believes inwardly. What does Taqiyyah mean in Islam? To the mainstream Islamists; Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah (Sunnis): Taqiyyah – as an idea or concession is to be used only in extreme circumstances and on temporary basis […]

The Arabic word “Shari’ah” literally means “a path, a way or a fresh water hole that all livings can drink from”. In Islamic-terminology, it refers to the legal system of Islam that regulates the relationship between man and his God (Allah in Arabic language), himself, his fellow man, all creations and the world around him. […]

According to a comprehensive American study conducted in 2009, the annual growth rate of 2.2 % in number of new Muslims (by birth or conversion) and Guinness World Records in2003 stated that Islam has the highest growth rate among religions of the world. Muslims are 23% of the world population today, so WHY NOT KNOW […]

Unfortunately, Innocent people are being oppressed and killed in every part of this world !! Yet Media, human rights and world leaders show sympathy and condemn some crimes yet neglecting a lot !! It is like some souls are precious while others are worthless!! The question is: Shouldn’t all crimes against any innocent soul be […]

-Dr. Koubeissi is board-certified in Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, and Epilepsy. -He is an Associate Professor of Neurology and the Director of the Epilepsy Center at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. – Dr. Koubeissi has started new lines of research projects in epilepsy and published his findings in major medical journals. […]

Now Available: An application a blind man can see through! ^^ “Years ago it was science fiction, I never thought it could be something that you could actually do!” Saqib Shaikh is a software developer from London, England who is currently working for Microsoft, and he has been personally involved in the development of the […]