Ihram is the first step to perform the fifth pillar of Islam, entering a state of devotion where all people are equal before Allah.
Ihram is the very first part necessary to lawfully perform the fifth pillar of Islam; Minor and Major pilgrimage; both Umrah and Hajj
In Islam, Friday (Jumu’ah) is the most important day of the week due to the status given to it by God and His last Messenger Muhammad (PBUH).
O Ramadan é considerado um dos meses mais sagrados do ano para os muçulmanos. É o nono mês do calendário do ano lunar islâmico. No Ramadan, os muçulmanos comemoram a revelação do Alcorão e jejuam de comida e bebida durante as horas de sol como forma de se aproximar de Deus e cultivar o autocontrole e a gratidão..
Tahajjud is the term used in Islam for a sort of recommended / voluntary night prayers offered by a Muslim to please God 'Allah'.
In this article, Insha’ Allah, we will answer all questions pertaining Zakat al-Fitr in brief with evidences as possible.
In this article we will discuss everything about Itikaf in Islam to help you understand what Itikaf is and all details related to it in Islamic Shari’ah.
The month of Shaban in 2023 happens to start on the 21st of February and will end on 22nd of March. Muslims all over the world will observe the month and honor its days and nights.
Learn All about Umrah and how to perform Umrah in Islam. Umrah contains certain acts of obedience to Allah’s forgiveness. Learn More!
Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve lunar months in the register of Allah from the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred.
The month of Rajab is the seventh month of the Lunar-based Islamic calendar. The word Rajab comes from the Arabic word ‘Tarjeeb’ which means glorification.
Love stories in Islam exceed the relation between humanity and reaching the noblest one; loving the Creator. Check the whole picture Now!