Shahadah no Islam é o seu portão para se tornar um muçulmano. Para acreditar na verdade, basta declarar que acredita na verdade. Essa é a Shahadah, as palavras pelas quais qualquer um pode se tornar um muçulmano.
Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, was es braucht, um Muslim zu werden?
Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, ob Sie zum Islam konvertieren könnten oder nicht?
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué se necesita para convertirse en musulmán?
¿Alguna vez has pensado si es posible o no abrazar el Islam inicialmente?
Você já se perguntou o que é preciso para se tornar um muçulmano?
Você já pensou se é ou não inicialmente possível abraçar o Islã?
Let’s discuss the Islam And Christmas hot topic. I kept reading about Christmas, its origin, and Santa Claus, till I came to this conclusion: Santa is coming with Islam this year!
Hadith Collection And Authentication is a modern-time obsession. How can we be sure that anything is real? What can lead us to certainty and conviction?
What does engagement mean in Islam? Is it a party where the fiancé/fiancée exchanges ring? Actually no, it is not. Indeed, there are some regulations for engagement in Islam that need to be observed:
Here is love in Islam. Love at first sight in Islam first happens after Allah created Adam, and then created Eve from him after Adam's loneliness.
You sure have heard before about original sin in Islam. What if I told you, original sin doesn’t exist at all and God had already forgiven both Adam & Eve? Let's See!
Was Muhammad a Prophet of God or did he allegedly claims to be so? Here are the top discussion and arguments for and against his prophethood.
Learn all about Jews in the Quran and how Quran teach Muslims about the Jewish behaviors. Verses are Classified According in topic clusters.
Learn all about Prophet Muhammad and The Jews of Medina, and their population in Mekkah and Madina. And much more. Check it Now!