Why are kids born with an innate belief in God?- Why did God create us & send the Prophets? When will this world end?
God carried and sustained His final message to believers and He placed and sustained prophet Muhammad love in Muslims hearts as well.
What does God mean? Who created God? Do we need God? Why God created us? Why are we here? Here's the story of God 'Allah'.
God chose to reveal Quran in the "Arab peninsula" for many valuable characteristics. Let's discover them together in this article.
what is the relationship between sex and religion? And what does Islam have to do with sex? Well, the next lines will answer you.
Nothing in God creation overpowers The All-Mighty Creator and no one and nothing in His creation should be worthy of fear more than Him
In this article you will learn about the concept of Angels in Islam as a part of “The belief in the unseen”. Also, It's one of the six pillars of faith.
I have a friend diagnosed with Covid-19. She gets better thanking God for curing her. Have you ever asked yourself why are you here in the first place?
Women’s allegiance to Muhammad PBUH was one of two pillars that supported building the only “Utopian society” that actually existed.
Heaven from Islamic perspective is the ultimate reward for which Muslims do good deed, and leave wrongdoing. Muslims have one here and other in Hereafter.
There are many reasons attracting people to revert to Islam, and worship Allah increasingly. Fortunately, here are 10 of the most attractive ones!
Why can Muslim men marry four women? Why can’t Muslim women marry four men? Interesting question aren’t it? Well, to answer this we’ll cover several steps: