Allah looked towards the people of the world and He disliked them, both, Arabs and the non-Arabs except for some remnants of the People of the Book.

Messenger Muhammad (PBUH)! Every authentic quote by him can help you change social, economic, marital and personal life! His quotes have great influence on people. He is the reason to save billions of people from misguidance and Hellfire.

  When I was a little kid I was truly amazed by the idea that Superman is so powerful, and he uses this power in the favor of goodness to make the world a better place! Growing up was very disappointing, knowing that Superman is just an imaginary character and that no such thing really […]

      Muhammad’s Brave Heart We were all impressed when the movie Brave Heart was first introduced to us. To tell you the truth, it still impresses me until this very moment. The idea of a single man believing in something, that he would lead a whole army and make them believe in the […]

It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and the character of the great Prophet Mohammed peace and blessing be upon him, knows how he taught his followers and how he lived to feel anything but to deeply respect his greatness, principals and mission. On the following lines, we shall focus on Prophet Mohammed’s […]