Você provavelmente já ouviu falar do Livro Sagrado chamado 'Alcorão'! O que você sabe sobre isso? Talvez você se pergunte quem escreveu o Alcorão? É realmente de origem divina? E quem é o verdadeiro autor do 'Alcorão'? 

A resposta curta e direta a esta pergunta é que NINGUÉM na superfície da terra desde o início dos tempos e até o fim dos tempos, mesmo remotamente, tem a mesma capacidade amorosa que Allah (único e verdadeiro Deus) tem! Ninguém! Allah Todo-Poderoso É, de fato, o Criador do Amor e Aquele que Concede Amor.

Many people if not all of them pass through a stage in their lives, where they see or live a lot of trials. Sometimes they see evil people winning over the good. Kids being killed in wars. Women being raped everywhere. Poverty taking place and homeless people are increasing each day and many more examples […]

In 2010, Doctor Michael Mosley made a documentary, which aired on BBC, named “Eat, Fast and Live Longer”. He wanted to make a few changes to his life in order to live longer, lose weight and stay young. Therefore, he went through exploring and searching new ways of diets. He started trying different kinds of […]

People are  influenced by mass media  more than what they think. Media reach a large number of public, the major ones are newspapers, television and the Internet. News today has to do with what people want to hear, not particularly what is worthwhile or even accurate. Knowing the truth has become something boring nowaday. Media […]

The Treaty of Al-Hudaibia: Prophet Muhammad and the people who believed in his message were forced to leave Makkah (their homeland). This was done by the rich people of the tribe of Quraish in order to prevent the spread of the message of Islam by the hands of Muhammad peace be upon him and his […]

Prophet Muhammad is a personality of debate throughout the history. Some see him as a great leader and a noble warrior though they don’t believe in his message; while others see him as a violent person seeking kingdom with no regard to the blood. The best way to judge that is to take a look […]

Islam urges its followers to understand and study the universe to know more about The Creator through His creation in order to worship  Him sincerely up on conviction. Quran contains numerous evidences establishing its authenticity. One of these evidences is that Quran includes a lot of scientific facts established only recently, although it was revealed […]

Nothing is more beautifully satisfying to the soul than praying to God. As in all belief systems, praying is pivotal. However, Islamic praying is unique. It is composed of two components, a physical and a spiritual form of worship. What is prayer in Islam? Daily prayer is referred to as “Salah” in the Arabic language. […]

It is the one thing that all hearts of  human being love regardless their different colors, religions, or races. It is every soul’s dream and every mind’s demand. Although most of us love justice and search for it, it is unfortunately not applied in our real life. In this article, we will stop for while […]

Can We See the Creator God?! Have you ever tried to look directly at the sun? Have you ever tried to go up and reach the sky? Have you ever tried to travel from America to Africa on foot? EXACTLY!! It is irrational. So, my reader, why don’t you think at the same level regarding […]