Law of Attraction can be defined as “Like always attracts like”. Is that concept true?
Is Prophet Muhammad a Prophet without miracles? Let's refute such a claim!
Story in Glorious Qur'an is a cornerstone with different styles. It's not for just entertainment, but mainly for spiritual cure and guidance.
En tant que musulmane, je n'ai jamais vu une femme mentionnée si souvent dans le Coran comme la Vierge Marie. Pour nous, les musulmans, elle est un symbole de piété, d’hônêteté et de dignité comme le Coran l’incarne.
“Mercy” in Arabic entails love and care. Allah the Almighty takes care of us when we can’t care of ourselves.
July 31, 2021 Message of Messenger of Allah to Heraclius; Roman Emperor and Abu Sufian’s Speech with EmperorHere is the message of the Messenger of Allah to Heraclius; the Roman emperor and Abu Sufian's speech with the emperor. Details May 20, 2021 Have You Asked Allah for Guidance Today?Allah calls Himself “Al-Haadi” The Guide — […]
July 31, 2021 Message of Messenger of Allah to Heraclius; Roman Emperor and Abu Sufian’s Speech with EmperorHere is the message of the Messenger of Allah to Heraclius; the Roman emperor and Abu Sufian's speech with the emperor. Details May 20, 2021 Have You Asked Allah for Guidance Today?Allah calls Himself “Al-Haadi” The Guide — […]
“Исраил” (Израиль) - это посланник Бога Иаков, сын Исаака. Бог назвал их этим именем. Он имеет в виду: "О дети Иакова, будьте благочестивы и послушны, как ваш отец.”
Smiling is Prophet Muhammad's powerful habit. It's the costless charity with the power of change.
Ниже приведены некоторые советы, которым стоит следовать, чтобы сделать хозяев дома счастливыми, а ваш визит беспроблемным.
le Coran comprend de nombreuses vérités scientifiques découvertes récemment, bien qu'elles aient été révélées il y a quatorze siècles à un Messager illettré.
Talvez não haja tanto a dizer sobre um ser tão prejudicado seus obstáculos são muitos. Ainda assim, porém, o Islam enfatiza os seus direitos.