L'Islam était le message de tous les prophètes, à partir d'Adam, à Noé, Abraham, Moïse, Jésus et le dernier prophète et messager Muhammed.
The biggest difference between Islam and Christianity is how each religion views the concept of God’s Mercy. How does God deal with sins?
El Islam fue el mensaje de todos los Profetas, desde Adán hasta Noé, Ibraham, Moisés, Jesús y el último profeta y mensajero Muhammad. La paz y las bendiciones de Al-lah sean con todos los profetas.
Islam é a mensagem trazida por todos os profetas, incluindo Adão, Noé, Abraão, Moisés, Jesus, e, também, Mohammed, que, mais uma vez, foi o profeta e mensageiro final—que a paz e as bençãos de Allah estejam sobre todos eles!
Islamic Creed taught me to know about purpose of life and day of judgment and thus to be patient against trials.
Allah looked towards the people of the world and He disliked them, both, Arabs and the non-Arabs except for some remnants of the People of the Book.
The world was so eager to light. Light was approaching and coming from the darkest area on earth at that time, light came from Arabian peninsula.
Contemplation: 54-59 Surat Al-Kahf; shaking lesson to all of us. let’s review them and see great insights we can get from Allah’s words.
Girls have the maternal instinct growing inside them day by day, dreaming of having babies. Let's see 3 examples of great mothers throughout history.
A lot experience such feelings however, they never question the righteous path to God 'Allah'! They keep on enjoying Allah's glory without looking for who is Allah.
Many of us have feelings of sadness, despair on a daily basis. Here are 10 ways from an Islamic perspective that can help you to overcome depression.
God has made Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) a special role model for us. He was a merciful teacher and kind husband. He never gave up on his people.