Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) performed qiyam al layl persistently and encouraged Muslims to do this through many hadiths reported to us.
In this article we will discuss everything about Itikaf in Islam to help you understand what Itikaf is and all details related to it in Islamic Shari’ah.
Fasting Ramadan means to stop eating during Ramadan day, as well as stop drinking and sex, from dawn to sunset. Here are the top ten questions that may raise in your mind on eating during Ramadan.
Here are a few activities you can do with kids in Ramadan. These kids’ activities are also beneficial for you. And keep in mind that they are just examples; the main goals are what’s important.
Nothing in God creation overpowers The All-Mighty Creator and no one and nothing in His creation should be worthy of fear more than Him
In this article you will learn about the concept of Angels in Islam as a part of “The belief in the unseen”. Also, It's one of the six pillars of faith.