In Islam, worship is dedicated solely to Allah, the Creator of the universe, including the sun and the moon. The Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explicitly forbid worshipping the moon, emphasizing pure monotheism. This article aims to clarify the Islamic perspective on the moon, highlighting its significance and the role it plays in Islamic teachings.

Islam embraces diversity while Muslims adhere to Islamic principles. We explore thanksgiving in Islam in this article.

In this article, we will highlight the story of Prophet Muhammad’s wife Hind bint Abi Umaya Al-Makhzumiya, known as Umm Salama and her story. Let’s have a look at one of the real love stories that islamic history provides us with.

Nothing is more beautifully satisfying to the soul than praying to God. As in all belief systems, praying is pivotal. However, Islamic praying is unique. It is composed of two components, a physical and a spiritual form of worship. What is prayer in Islam? Daily prayer is referred to as “Salah” in the Arabic language. […]

The Arabic word “Shari’ah” literally means “a path, a way or a fresh water hole that all livings can drink from”. In Islamic-terminology, it refers to the legal system of Islam that regulates the relationship between man and his God (Allah in Arabic language), himself, his fellow man, all creations and the world around him. […]

In Islam, Friday (Jumu’ah) is the most important day of the week due to the status given to it by God and His last Messenger Muhammad (PBUH).

Fasting Ramadan means to stop eating during Ramadan day, as well as stop drinking and sex, from dawn to sunset. Here are the top ten questions that may raise in your mind on eating during Ramadan.