The Meaning of Life in the West: Dale Carnegie, a writer and lecturer, who wrote the best 9 books among them is: “How to stop worrying and start living”, in which he settled down rules to get rid of worries and tools to communicate with people effectively, has killed himself after he suffered from depression! […]

Neste artigo, discutiremos quem é o Deus real e verdadeiro. Esclareceremos os atributos de um Deus verdadeiro e mencionaremos os Deuses adorados mais populares do mundo.

Este artigo é dedicado a responder à pergunta: Qual religião surgiu primeiro no mundo? Para responder a essa pergunta, primeiro discutiremos diferentes religiões e crenças, como o paganismo, o cristianismo, o judaísmo e o hinduísmo.

Becoming a Muslim is definitely the best thing that will ever happen to me, but should I start doing all worships once I become a Muslim?

Is the Gospel of Matthew a universal message that is capable of being sent to all mankind? Can we judge it as a mercy to the whole universe? If so, how could it be substituted, amended and changed if it is so called a Divine guidance!  What is the role of writing in preserving the […]

In this article, we will highlight the story of Prophet Muhammad’s wife Hind bint Abi Umaya Al-Makhzumiya, known as Umm Salama and her story. Let’s have a look at one of the real love stories that islamic history provides us with.