你想知道“怎么成为穆斯林吗?你有成为穆斯林的愿望吗?好嘞!非常好成为穆斯林的简单容易指南 念过之后,你就正式地成为穆斯林,然后我们慢慢学习,慢慢成长。它简易、深刻而又美好,愉悦你的心灵、精神和身体。

     It's fair enough for a manufacturer to offer clear manuals explaining what he created. Yet, a "Loving" manufacturer also sends with those manuals teachers who deal with kindness and patience to clarify the purpose of what he created.

Vince Vocarelli was one of the most notorious Italian gang leaders in Australia. He was imprisoned for fifteen months; in isolation where he read the Quran, said it spoke to him, and found Allah and Islam in 2012.

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