Are you wondering what is Islam and How to be a Muslim? Learn all about Islam in one article with all the details you need to know! Check now!
Abu Bakr, previously known as Ruben, is an ex-atheist who reverted to Islam. Here we follow the important events in his story and shed some light on the significant parts with some comments.
We Answer your questions: Who is Israel? Why Is Israel mentioned in the Quran? Why did Allah favor Bani Israel? And more!
What does Al Wadud mean? Al Wadud means the one (Allah) who shows actions of love to His servants and believers. One of the Muslim scholars said: It is not strange for the servant to love The Master. What is amazing is when The Creator who has no need for the creations chooses to love […]
All You want to know about breeding animals in Islam such as dogs, pigs, and cats. It is discussed in depth with all Fiqh Schools views.
AIDS is a disease that doesn’t have an actual treatment. Islam’s the cure for the problem of AIDS and HIV. Stop the root cause.
Zina or adultery in Islam means having sexual intercourse outside marriage. This relationship is strictly forbidden by Allah (God) in Islam.
Marriage in Islam organizes your Muslim husband’s lifestyle. Here, we will help you to understand how life can be with him under one roof.
NOBODY on the surface has the same loving capacity as Allah Almighty love! Love doesn't exist and people don't exist and Jesus doesn't exist without Him.
Mercy is the spirit of Islam, the Islamic view of and cares for animals specially and nature generally are unique and admirable. What does the Quran say about helping animals? There are many references in the Quran where Allah refers to Animals. In the following phrases, we will show kindness to animals in The Quran: […]
by Shannon Abulnasr Do you believe in Islam, but you hesitate to take the next step to become a Muslim? Many people fit this scenario, but they hesitate for various reasons. Satan is an enemy to mankind, and he has promised that he will bring corruption to the land and cause people to turn away […]