When I was a little kid I was truly amazed by the idea that Superman is so powerful, and he uses this power in the favor of goodness to make the world a better place! Growing up was very disappointing, knowing that Superman is just an imaginary character and that no such thing really […]

There’s a huge difference between what you know about Sharia and what Sharia ‘ah really is. First: What is Sharia?   ‘Al-Shari’ah means the Islamic rulings that Allah has legislated for His slaves. And it is called so “i.e. Shari’ah” because the legislator legislated them as Shari’ah in Arabic means: legislation. It is also called […]

According to each belief, there are infidels, which are the other beliefs adheres of course, this is general in all beliefs. On the other hand, each belief guarantees for you that you’ll not be considered as an infidel, and that you will not go to hell as long as you stay in this belief, well, […]

Rescue Myanmar Muslims from Real Terrorists We up till now hear that Muslims are the main source of terrorism! But what goes on the ground is totally different. Many incidents happening around the world show that Muslims are the real victims. Nowadays, Muslims are killed everywhere, but people are silent. Human rights organizations are not […]

Do you know the Pirates of the Caribbean? Did you hear before about Jack Sparrow? I am sure that you definitely know him. He was a famous pirate who had a funny character and a strange look. Sparrow was drunk, always carrying a bottle of wine and he loved women…or was he?! Well…. forget all […]

I remember that scene in The Butterfly Effect movie, when the little girl used to run away to the field escaping her pedophile dad, and she kept praying, but nothing happened? We all had similar moments when we’re in urgent need of answering our prayers, and you keep asking yourself: am I doing it wrong?! […]

The birth of Jesus was more than the account of one more human being born into this world, but its significance was felt around the world and continues to affect the lives of people everywhere till the end of time. The birth of Jesus was God’s sign to people and a mercy to mankind. Interestingly, Jesus […]

Really, Allah (The Creator of Heavens and Earth) is the most merciful. Beginning with the universe subjected for us and passing by events of life and even the orders He gives and prohibitions He imposes. For the first moment you may feel it’s a sort of obligation or restriction, but with few thinking or mediation […]

God said in Quran, “Therefore be patient (O Mohammed) as the Messenger of strong will and be in no haste about them (disbelievers).” [46:35]. Do you know that prophet Moses is one of the messengers of strong will? Do you know that the story of his birth is very inspiring? Do you know that He […]

One day I was walking down the street and suddenly found this gorgeous girl all covered up in what they call hijab, I call it Oppression myself. I thought to myself, it’s very sunny and hot why would she do that to herself unless she was forced?! I mean this is a total nonsense. I […]

To veil or to wear Hijab literally means to cover or to screen. The term “Hijab” can also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in the public sphere. Although it encompasses  more than just a dress code, the term Hijab has become interchangeable with the word scarf. Why Hijab? Some […]

       Once upon a time there was a Moroccan student who was very naughty.  He caused many loses to his school, and has many troubles with his fellows.  The director warned him if he continued doing this, he would expel him from the school for a month. He didn’t stop, and finally the […]