In an age where material wealth often defines success, the Prophet Muhammad view on life offers a profound contrast. His generosity, even in the face of scarcity, exemplifies a perspective that transcends worldly possessions. This article explores a significant incident that highlights the Prophet's selflessness, revealing his deep trust in God's provisions and his lack of attachment to material wealth.

In this article, we will highlight the story of Prophet Muhammad’s wife Hind bint Abi Umaya Al-Makhzumiya, known as Umm Salama and her story. Let’s have a look at one of the real love stories that islamic history provides us with.

Prophet Muhammad is a personality of debate throughout the history. Some see him as a great leader and a noble warrior though they don’t believe in his message; while others see him as a violent person seeking kingdom with no regard to the blood. The best way to judge that is to take a look […]

Some people accuse Prophet Muhammad to be a pedophile, and others defend that strongly. The purpose of this piece of writing is to let you reach the answer yourself, so in order to do that you have to ask yourself some questions: Pedophilia Sex or sexual activity with children who have not reached puberty. Mentioned […]

For more than fourteen centuries scholars from Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been discussing whether or not the prophet Muhammad -Peace & Mercy be Upon Him- could have indeed been a true prophet from Almighty God.     Was he the long awaited ‘Messiah’ the Jews have been waiting for so many centuries?     Was he […]

Muhammad: The Final Prophet of God“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example to follow for whoever hopes in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.” (Qur’an 33:21) Muslims believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Prophet in a long chain of Prophets sent to call the […]

Embora os críticos do Islam tentem há anos provar que o profeta Muhammad inventou o Alcorão a partir de si mesmo, esse ainda é um dos tópicos difíceis que impedem seus propósitos. No entanto, o próprio Alcorão é uma evidência clara que prova que Muhammad não poderia inventar o Alcorão.

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