What is after Ramadan like?!

What is after Ramadan?!

What are the events after Ramadan, what happens to the Muslim after it, and what does he gain

Never have Muslims prayed to Allah, The Almighty, as they do to reach Ramadan! Never have they seen a month of the year better than Ramadan! Never have they loved a month more than Ramadan!

 Why ?

Because Ramadan is a blessed month. It is the month of the Qur’an, Taqwa, patience, Jihad ( striving one’s desires and lusts), prayers, alms- giving, mercy, forgiveness, and release from Hellfire.

Muslims are known for eagerly awaiting the month of Ramadan. They celebrate its beginning and do the same with its end . Ramadan ends with Eid-ul- Fitr in which all Muslims are so happy they completed fasting .

The Messenger of Allah ( ﷺ ) said:

” The fasting person has two joys, one when he breaks his fast and another when he meets his Lord.”

( Jami’ at-Termidhi / 766)

What have we, Muslims, gained from Ramadan?

Have we asked ourselves if we fulfilled our religious duties in Ramadan? Have we controlled our desires and lusts in Ramadan? Have we succeeded in receiving the mercy and forgiveness of Allah? Did we do our best to release ourselves from Hellfire?

Ramadan is not only fasting and prayers. It also means to control our anger, our whims and desires.

In addition, we should give alms and be in good terms with all people; our family, neighbors, relatives, friends and our colleagues. If you tried to do all these duties, it means that you had succeeded in the test. Then you should keep steadfast until you meet your Lord. For more about Ramadan and fasting meaning, read:

Hadiths and Quran verses about Ramadan

What is Ramadan in Islam

Fasting in Islam

Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

Breaking fast in Ramadan

Be not like the woman who sewed a shirt, then destroyed it.

Verse No. 92, Sura ” al-Nahl ( the bees) tells us about that woman:

“Do not be like the woman who ˹foolishly˺ unravels her yarn after it is firmly spun, by taking your oaths as a means of deceiving one another in favour of a stronger group. Surely Allah tests you through this. And on the Day of Judgment He will certainly make your differences clear to you.”

Verse No. 92 , Sura ” al-Nahl

If you do like that woman, or like a man who collected a big fortune, then he threw it all away, you are as stupid as both of them. If, after Ramadan, you return to sins, disobedience, evil sayings and deeds, this means that you wiped out all your good deeds in Ramadan. Then you deserve Allah’s wrath and punishment  here in this world and in the life of the Hereafter.

How evil and wretched are those who know Allah, The Almighty in Ramadan and lose everything after it!!

Read also:

Ramadan Greetings

Ramadan Duas

Ramadan activities for kids

Falling short in obeying Allah after Ramadan.

My dear brothers and sisters, Muslims may fall short in their obedience to Allah after Ramadan. This is shown in many ways including:

A. Many Muslims leave the five prescribed prayers in congregation after they used to fill the mosques for Taraweeh and Tahajjud prayers at night in Ramadan.

b. Many of them return to entertainment (such as forbidden films, obscene videos, and other abominable acts ). Women come back to showing their ornaments.

C. Mixing between men and women becomes as usual as before.

For more about some worships and events of Ramadan that help elevate behavior, read these:

Itikaf rules

Qiyam prayer

Laylatul Qadr

The Last Ten Days of Ramadan

Tahajjud Prayer

Those who succeeded versus those who failed the test.

a) Muslims who succeeded in fasting in Ramadan and worshiped Allah the best they could, rejoice  on Eid-ul-Fitr. They praise Their Lord, Allah, The Exalted for helping them to complete fasting and to obey Him. Those people surely would go on obeying Allah after Ramadan.

Allah Almighty states that favour, saying:

“And ˹remember˺ when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.’”

Verse No.7 in Sura ” Ibraheim

Allah, The Almighty will increase them in faith and righteous deeds. They remain steadfast in obedience to Allah.

b) On the contrary, those who devote themselves to worshiping in Ramadan, then come back to their life after Ramadan. They desert mosques and neglect their religious duties. This shows their ingratitude to Their Lord. This shows that they failed the test which means their good deeds may not be accepted.

We should not forget that Allah, The Almighty is the Lord of Ramadan and all other months of the year as well.

Allah Almighty illustrates that favour:

“So be steadfast as you are commanded ˹O Prophet˺, along with those who turn ˹in submission to Allah˺ with you. And do not transgress. Surely He is All-Seeing of what you ˹believers˺ do.”

Verse No. 112 in Sura ” Hud”

Also, Abu ‘Amr – Sufyan bin Abdullah ath- Thaqafi ( May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

I said, “O Messenger of Allah, tell me something about al-Islam which I can ask of no one but you.” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Say I believe in Allah — and then be steadfast.”


Read also:

Ramadan Habits

How to change in Ramadan

Eating During Ramadan

How to lose weight during Ramadan

How would the Muslim continue his obedience and good deeds after Ramadan?

Tips for Muslims to follow after Ramadan:

( 1 ) If fasting in Ramadan has ended, there remains voluntary fasting such as the six days in Shawwal, the three days in the middle of every lunar month ( 13th , 14th , 15th), Mondays and Thursdays of every week, the days of Ashura, Arafat Day and others.

(  2 ) If the night prayers ( Taraweeh & Tahajjud) have ended with Ramadan, there remain night prayers throughout the year.

Allah ,The Almighty says in Verse No. 17 in Sura ” adh-Dhariat “:

“they used to sleep only little in the night.”

Verse No. 17 in Sura ” adh-Dhariat

( 3 ) If charity in Ramadan and Zakat- ul -Fitr  have ended with Ramadan, there are many open doors to charity and voluntary actions after Ramadan.

( 4 ) Reading, reciting and listening to the Qur’an are for all times and all places.

O my brothers and sisters, Beware of laziness and reluctance. Don’t forget that it is not allowed to leave the obligatory acts  or delay them, especially the five prescribed prayers on time and in congregation.

Allah, The Almighty highlights the significance of prayers saying:

“When the prayers are over, remember Allah—whether you are standing, sitting, or lying down. But when you are secure, establish regular prayers. Indeed, performing prayers is a duty on the believers at the appointed times.”

Verse No.103  in Sura ” an -Nisa’ “

( 5 ) Don’t fall into forbidden acts such as eating forbidden foods and drinks, looking or watching or listening to what is prohibited of films, videos or listening to all abominable things.


In brief, be steadfast and upright upon your faith at all times. You do not know when you will meet the Angel of Death. Beware of him taking your soul when you are involved in a state of sin and disobedience.

Finally the Prophet ( ﷺ ) frequently used to supplicate saying:

” O changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon your religion.”

( Jami’ at- Termidhi / 3522)

Want to know more about “what is after Ramadan events” that Allah Almighty grants to Muslims? Read these articles and share your thoughts:

What is eid

What is Eid al Fitr 

Benefits of Eid ul Fitr 

Eid Mubarak wishes

Eid prayers

How to celebrate Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha


1- Fiqh as-Sunna ( by Sheikh Sayyed Sabeq , volume 1 )

2- islamonline

3- islamway

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