Who gives women more rights: Jewish, Christian or Muslim teachings? This is food for your thought. Many claim that Islam “oppresses women” when it comes to the rules of inheritance. Before you allow yourself to blindly follow those who have no knowledge, please read this; be honest, truthful and objective—and then judge for yourself. In […]

Far away in the desert, she was left with her toddler, surrounded by a desolate desert where there are no signs of plant, water; practically there are no signs of life. Only her and her suckling baby, left there alone!! The original story of this legend started when Sarah the wife of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) […]

Thursday is a unique day for me. As a university student, it represents the last day before the weekend and the day of family gathering. It’s the time to relieve, renew my relations, and gain power for the coming week.   Praying & Athkar Impact After getting up early on Thursday, I start my day […]

A widespread concept perceived by the western society is being promoted nowadays against Islam in regard of women’s rights. Such culture claims that Islam oppresses women and that they are being underestimated in comparison with men. Having this vain idea precedent in mind does not allow people to know the truth except for whoever actually […]

One day I was walking down the street and suddenly found this gorgeous girl all covered up in what they call hijab, I call it Oppression myself. I thought to myself, it’s very sunny and hot why would she do that to herself unless she was forced?! I mean this is a total nonsense. I […]

To veil or to wear Hijab literally means to cover or to screen. The term “Hijab” can also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in the public sphere. Although it encompasses  more than just a dress code, the term Hijab has become interchangeable with the word scarf. Why Hijab? Some […]

What is marriage?    People of all times view marriage as an honorable bond between man and woman but in Islam it is viewed as the most sacred bond of all.  Qur’an describes marriage as a (Strong Covenant): ‘’But if you want to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a […]

“To bring daughters up means to be granted Paradise“ A simple short message is given for fathers to vanish the darkness of the era before Islam when Arabs used to bury their daughters alive. The man who was sent to perfect good character [1] enjoined fathers to take good care of their daughters. The guaranteed […]

Who is the person under a Hijab? (or a niqab or burka- some of the traditional Muslim women’s clothes). Who is really the woman underneath that piece of clothing? Often times their attire may prevent others from seeing beyond who these women may really be. Many of these women are scientists, engineers, doctors, Olympians, warm […]