About Omar AbdulMonem

Omar Zayed Abdelmoneim is a freelance writer and translator, with years of experience in the field. His speciality is writing Islamic and Dawah content, that was built from his years of conversational experience with different faiths and beliefs. His educational background in the Shariah comes from studying a year in Madinah with the scholars of Masjid An-nabawi, and continuous studying through different online programs over the years. Omar graduated from the faculty of science, with a BSc degree in Geoscience. Studying the field of science helped facilitate his mindset and gave him a unique perspective in seeing the world.

Мусульмане верят, что Ислам существовал всегда с самого начала всего времени, и что он – истинная религия всего человечества, к которой все люди в мире призваны с рождения. Согласно этому, все люди рождаются мусульманами.

There is no guaranteed salvation in Christianity! Let's explore one simple consequence of the Christian creed and see where it leads.

We often follow the visuals, and ignore the big facts that beyond what our limited eyes see. One of these is (Being the closest to our Lord & His closeness to us).

Cleansing and purifying one's self in Islam have a high importance to the degree that all Islamic texts and references books for "Shariah" (Islamic Rulings) always talk about it at the very first chapter.

     Many hear the name Allah without knowing what it means or whom it does refer to. Does it refer to the God of Arabs? Or the God of Muslims? Does it have a meaning? I will elaborate on the name’s root, meaning, whom it refers to and its place in Islam. Allah, linguistic […]