Ramadan Quran Verses And Hadiths In Arabic and English

Here are the four verses in the Glorious Quran talked about fasting in Ramadan as well as a

What is Fasting In Islam?

Fasting in Islam is called ” Sawm ” or ” Siyam” in the Quran. “Sawm” means to abstain from all that breaks fast like; food, drink, smoking, having sex, or what decreases its reward like; saying foul words, getting angry and shouting..etc. The fasting person must be a pleasant one with good spirits and good cheer. Muslims fast from the break of dawn( Fajr) to the sunset ( Maghrib). Fasting should be associated with intention before the call to Fajr prayer.

Fasting in Islam started in the Second year of Hijra. Muslims all over the world wait eagerly for Ramadan as it is a time of increased inner peace and well-being.

Quran Verses about Ramadan in Arabic and English

There are four verses in the Glorious Quran talked about fasting in Ramadan. They are:

Verses No.183 , 184 , 185 and 187 in Sura Al- Baqara ( the heifer);

1. The first verse: Why fasting?

In the first verse, Allah mentioned the prescription of fasting accompanied with one of its main fruits:

 ” يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
“ O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those before you—so perhaps you will become mindful ˹of Allah˺

For more about fasting, read:

2. The second verse: who exempted from fasting?

In this verse, Allah the Almighty mentioned those who have excuses to break their fast. 

Then Allah the Almighty mentioned that the one had the choice to fast or not fast and feed a needy person for every day. 

However, this second part of the verse is abrogated since fasting turned to be obligatory for all those who afford it.

 أَيَّامًۭا مَّعْدُودَٰتٍۢ ۚ فَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم مَّرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍۢ فَعِدَّةٌۭ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ ۚ وَعَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ يُطِيقُونَهُۥ فِدْيَةٌۭ طَعَامُ مِسْكِينٍۢ ۖ فَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًۭا فَهُوَ خَيْرٌۭ لَّهُۥ ۚ وَأَن تَصُومُوا۟ خَيْرٌۭ لَّكُمْ ۖ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
“˹Fast a˺ prescribed number of days. But whoever of you is ill or on a journey, then ˹let them fast˺ an equal number of days ˹after Ramaḍân˺. For those who can only fast with extreme difficulty, compensation can be made by feeding a needy person ˹for every day not fasted˺. But whoever volunteers to give more, it is better for them. And to fast is better for you, if only you knew. 

Sura Al- Baqara:184

For more illustration about the issue of breaking fast in Ramadan, read: Breaking fast in Ramadan

3. The third verse: Quran first revealed in Ramadan

In this verse, Allah the Almighty speaks about the relation between Ramadan and the Quran in the first part of the verse. Then, it is the abrogating part that makes fasting obligatory for those who afford exempting only those of excuses. Before that, one had the choice as mentioned in the previous verse.

 شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أُنزِلَ فِيهِ ٱلْقُرْءَانُ هُدًۭى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَـٰتٍۢ مِّنَ ٱلْهُدَىٰ وَٱلْفُرْقَانِ ۚ
Ramaḍân is the month in which the Quran was revealed
as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard ˹to distinguish between right and wrong˺.
So whoever is present this month, let them fast. But whoever is ill or on a journey, then ˹let them fast˺ an equal number of days ˹after Ramaḍân˺. Allah intends ease for you, not hardship, so that you may complete the prescribed period and proclaim the greatness of Allah for guiding you, and perhaps you will be grateful.

Sura Al- Baqara:185

4. The fourth verse: rules of Ramadan night

After mentioning Ramadan day in the previous verses, this verse tells us about some rules of the night in Ramadan:

 أُحِلَّ لَكُمْ لَيْلَةَ ٱلصِّيَامِ ٱلرَّفَثُ إِلَىٰ نِسَآئِكُمْ ۚ”
It has been made permissible for you to be intimate with your wives during the nights preceding the fast. Your spouses are a garment for you as you are for them. Allah knows that you were deceiving yourselves. So He has accepted your repentance and pardoned you. So now you may be intimate with them and seek what Allah has prescribed for you. ˹You may˺ eat and drink until you see the light of dawn breaking the darkness of night, then complete the fast until nightfall. Do not be intimate with your spouses while you are meditating in the mosques. These are the limits set by Allah, so do not exceed them. This is how Allah makes His revelations clear to people, so they may become mindful ˹of Him˺.”

Sura Al- Baqara: 187

Read more about Ramadan related worships:

Hadith about Ramadan in Arabic and English

There are many hadith tackling Ramadan fast:

1. Fasting in one of the pillars of Isalm

Fasting in Islamic Shari’a is a sort of worshipping Allah (as an obligatory religious duty)as shown in the following Hadith:

بنى الإسلام على خمس : شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله ، إقام الصلاة ، إيتاء الزكاة ، وصوم رمضان وحج البيت لمن استطاع إليه سبيلا
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Islam is based on five pillars: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying Zakat and fasting Ramadan”.

( Bukhari & Muslim)

It is one of the pillars of Islam.

2. Forgive your sins:

Allah, the Almighty atones all Muslim’s sins of the past year by fasting Ramadan. This is stated in the following Hadith,

الصلاة إلى الصلاة ، والجمعة إلى الجمعة ورمضان إلى رمضان ،مكفرات لما بينهما مالم ترتكب الكبائر” .
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, ” The five daily Salat (prayers), Friday(prayer) to the next Friday (prayer) and the fasting of Ramadan is expiation of the sins committed, so long as major sins are avoided. (Muslim)

Fasting Ramadan causes sins to be forgiven .This is shown in the following Hadith:

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him ) reported :

The Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said ,” He who observes fasting during the month of Ramadan with faith while seeking its reward from Allah , will have his past sins forgiven”.( Al-Bukhari & Muslim).

 قال رسول الله( صلى) قال ،” من صام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا ،غفر له ماتقدم من ذنبه “


3. A Shield in the Day of Resurrection: 

Fasting and Qur’an intercede for the fasting Muslim servant on the Day of Resurrection.

” الصيام والقرآن يشفعان للعبد يوم القيامة ،يقول الصيام : أى رب ، إنى منعته الطعام في النهار فشفعنى فيه، ويقول القرآن : منعته النوم بالليل ، فشفعنى فيه ، فيشفعان 

Abdullah b. Amr ( May Allah be pleased with them ) reported: The Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said,

” Fasting andQur’an intercede for a man. Fasting says, ” O My Lord ! I have kept him away from his food and his desires by day, so accept my intercession for him. The Qur’an says,” I have kept him away from sleeping by night, so accept my intercession for him. Then their intercession for him is accepted”. ( Hadith Sahih).

4. A way To Enter Jannah:

The fasting Muslim enters Paradise from Ar-Rayyan gate 

” إن فى الجنة باب يقال له ” الريان” ، يقال له يوم القيامة: أين الصائمون ؟ هل لكم إلى الريان؟ من دخله لم يظمأ بعده أبدا ، فإذا دخلوا ، أغلق عليهم ، فلم يدخل فيه أحد غيرهم”
 The Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said, “In Paradise, there is a gate called ” Ar- Rayyan.It will be said on the Day of Resurrection,” Where are those who used to fast? Would you like to enter through Ar-Rayyan? Whoever enters through it will never feel thirsty again.Then when they have entered, it will be closed behind them, and no one but they will enter through it.”
( Sunan an- Nassa’i/ 2237)

Fasting leads the Muslim to enter Paradise. This is shown in the following Hadith:

سأل رجل رسول الله( صلى):” إذا صليت الصلاة المفروضة، وصمت رمضان، وأحللت الحلال، وحرمت الحرام، أأدخل الجنة؟! فأجابه: نعم”.
Jabir ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported:
A man once said to the Messenger of Allah( PBUH) ‘” Shall I enter paradise in case I say the obligatory prayers, observe fasting in Ramadan and treat as lawful which has been made permissible?
( by the Islamic Shari’a and deny me what is forbidden and make no addition to it?! ” The Prophet replied in the affirmative.”

5. The month of Ramadan is the best month of the year for Muslims

The month of Ramadan is the month of night prayers, reciting and reading the Qur’an, giving alms and charities. It is a month in which the gates of Paradise are opened and those of Hellfire are closed , good deeds are multiplied, invocation is answered, and sins are forgiven.

قال رسول الله( صلى) : ” إذا كان أول ليلة من شهر رمضان ،صفدت الشياطين ،ومردة الجن، وغلقت أبواب النار فلم يفتح منها، وفتحت أبواب الجنة فلم يغلق منها باب ، وينادى منادى : ياباغى الخير أقبل ، وياباغى الشر أقصر ، ولله عتقاء من النار ، وذلك كل ليلة .”
Abu Hurairah ( May Allah be pleased with him )reported:
The Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said,” On the first night of the month of Ramadan devils are shackled , the Jinn are restrained, the gates of the fires are shut that no gate among them would be opened.The gates of Paradise are opened that no gate among them would be closed .And a caller ( an angel) calls : O seekers of the good ; come near! O seekers of evil ! Stop! For there are those whom Allah , the Almighty frees from the fire . And that is every night”.

 قال رسول الله( صلى) : أتاكم رمضان ؛ شهر مبارك ، فرض الله عز وجل عليكم صيامه ، تفتح فيه أبواب السماء ، وتغلق فيه أبواب الجحيم ، وتغل فيه مردة الشياطين ، لله فيه ليلة خير من ألف شهر ، من حرم خيرها ، فقد حرم “.
Abu Hurairah ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported:
The Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said ,”There has come to youRamadan ; a blessed month ,which Allah , the Almighty has enjoined you to fast. In it, the gates of Heavens are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and every devil is chained up. In it Allah ,the Almighty has a night which is better than a thousand nights. Whoever is deprived of its goodness, is indeed deprived.’ 

(Sunan An- Nasa’i / 2106)

Read also:

When do Muslims start fasting during Ramadan?

Muslims wait eagerly to witness the crescent of Ramadan on the twenty ninth day of Sha’ban every year. The appearance of the crescent should be associated with the sunset of that day. The crescent appears first , then the sun sets after which the crescent disappears too. This Prophetic Hadith illustrates that point.

Abu Hurairah ( MY Allah be pleased with him) reported :

قال رسول الله( صلى ) : صوموا لرؤيته ، وافطروا لرؤيته ،وإن غم عليكم أتموا عدة شعبان ثلاثين يوما”.
The Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said ,” Fast when you see it and break your fast when you see it , and if the weather is cloudy treat Sha’ban as having thirty days “.

( Al- Bukhari & Muslim)

Read also:

Who must fast Ramadan?

Muslim scholars agreed unanimously that the adult, sane, healthy Muslim who is not on journey must fast Ramadan. 

The woman must be pure of menstruation and childbirth bleeding. The old person , the pregnant and breastfeeding mother, the sick person, the child who did not reach puberty and those who do hard works or sentenced to penal servitude are not allowed to fast Ramadan. The infidel and the insane person do not fast, either.

This is shown in the following Hadith:

قالت عائشة( أم المؤمنين، رضى الله عنها): كنا نحيض أيام رسول الله( صلى) فيأمرنا بالقضاء، ولانقضى الصلاة”.
A’isha(May Allah be pleased with her reported:
” We would menstruate during the time of the Messenger of Allah( PBUH) , then when we were pure , we were ordered to make up for the missed days but we were not ordered to make upfor the missed prayers”

Ali b. Abi Talib( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported :

سمعت رسول الله ( صلى ) يقول ،” رفع القلم عن ثلاث : الطفل حتى يحتلم ، والنائم حتى يستيقظ ، والمجنون حتى يفيق “.
I heard the Messenger of Allah saying ” The pen has been lifted from three : the child until he reaches puberty, the sleeper until he wakes up and the insane until he regains his sanity”.

( Musnad Ahmad /940 , book 5 , No.367)

What are the The pillars of fasting?

There are two main pillars for fasting:

a) The intention

The intention must be rendered before the dawn( Fajr) every night of the month of Ramadan.

 قال رسول الله( صلى)،” من لم يجمع الصيام قبل الفجر فلا صيام له”.

Hafsah( May Allah be pleased with her ) reported: The messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said,
” Whoever does not form his intention to fast before Al-Fajr ( the dawn), his fast will not be accepted.”

(related by the five Imams)

It is not necessary to utter the intention with the tongue. It is in the heart which means that the Muslim means to fast the next day by having sahur and intending to abstain from all that breaks his fast for Allah’s pleasure.

Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said:” Actions areto be judged only by intentionand a man will have only what he intended ……
قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ،” إنما الأعمال ىالنيات ، وإنما لكل إمرىء مانوى….

( Sahih Muslim/ 1907).

b) No Breaking Fast

Abstaining from all that breaks the fast from the break of dawn( Al-Fajr) to the sunset ( Maghrib).

 This rule is illustrated in Verse No. 187 in Sura ” Al- Baqara “.

What invalidates fasting

The Muslim must avoid doing anything that may render his fasting invalid .Things that invalidate the fast and require qadaa’ ( making up for the missed days:

a) Deliberately making yourself to vomit.

b) Eating, drinking or smoking.

c ) The beginning of menstruation

or post-childbirth bleeding even in the last minute before sunset .

d) Sexual intercourse (whether it results in ejaculation or not) or other sexual contact that results in ejaculation for men or vaginal secretions for women.

e) Eating, drinking or having sexual intercourse after Al-Fajr or before sunset on the mistaken assumption that it is still permitted to do these actions.

Things that do not invalidate the fast

a) Taking a bath or a shower.

b) Using perfumes, wearing contact lenses, or using eye drops.

c) taking an injection or having a blood test.

d) Using miswak( toothbrush) and rinsing the mouse and the nose with water.

e) Eating, drinking or smoking unintentionally (forgetting that one was fasting), but the Muslim must stop the moment he remembers and continue fasting.

f) Sleeping during the day and having a wet dream. He washes and goes on with fasting. The same happens with the couples who have sexual intercourse before dawn but have not made ghusl( washing), they go on fasting and wash during the day.

g) Kissing between the husband and the wife is allowed but they should avoid it lest it leads to the complete sexual intercourse.

Read also:


Fasting is clearly reflected on the fasting Muslim’s health, well- being and Spirit. He is content, calm, self- assured, tolerant, patient and generous. He is like the angels.

 In brief, fasting guides the Muslim to be pious and righteous. This is best shown in the Verse No.183 of Sura Al- Baqara. So taqwa( piety, fear of Allah ) is the outcome of fasting, which leads to good morals and good manners. This fact is best shown in the following Hadith:

قال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) ،” إذا كان صوم أحدكم ، فلا يرفث ولايصخب، فإن سابه أحد أو قاتله ، فليقل : إنى صائم”.
Abu Hurairah narrated:
The Messenger of Allah ( PBUH) said ,” When anyone of you is observing fasting on a day , he should neither indulge in obscene language nor should he raise his voice and if anyone reviles him or tries to quarrel with him, he should say: I am fasting”.

( Bukhari& Muslim)

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 References :

1- Fiqh As-Sunna ( by Sheikh Sayyed Sabeq , volume 1, pages 431- 473)

2- Islamonline ( The meaning and rules of fasting).

 3- islamweb

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